
New Posts to Forced Migration Current Awareness work aspects

We encourage our readers to follow Forced Migration Current Awareness posts. We reproduce hereunder the latest post. 

Amid a labour shortage, here’s how businesses could hire more refugees — and gain a strategic advantage (The Conversation, June 2021) [text]
- Focuses on Australia.

Businesses for Refugees Pledge Launches to Rally Private Sector Support for New Americans (Refugees International, June 2021) [text]

Displacement agriculture: neither seen nor heard (AMMODI Blog, June 2021) [text]
- Focuses on Tanzania.

"Helping refugees find work isn’t just a humanitarian effort. It’s good for business," Fortune, 17 June 2021 [text]

Venezuelan Economic Integration Would Yield Huge Benefits; Donors Should Fund It (CGD Blog, June 2021) [text]

The Right to Work of Asylum Seekers and Refugees Publication by COSTELLO, Cathryn; O’CINNÉIDE, Colm / May 2021


Publication by
COSTELLO, Cathryn; O’CINNÉIDE, Colm / May 2021

This working paper analyses the right to work to asylum seekers and refugees. Part I briefly sets the scene, with an account of the reality of work rights restrictions for asylum seekers’ and refugees. Part II analysis the right to work of asylum seekers and refugees, specifically examining the right under international human rights law of global and regional scope.